Confidence and Distance

In the Fluid Motion Community over the last couple of months I have been doing what I call Car Chats. Topics have varied from negative self talk, prepping for NADAC Champs, to what age to start training. Below are some clips from a car chat where I discussed confidence and distance training in agility. TheContinue reading “Confidence and Distance”

Fluid Motion Cue Series – Out 101

The biggest thing to keep in mind with teaching Out, or any directional cue, is confidence. Your first priority should be building your dogs confidence in that skill. Proof that skill with varying handling positions, and adding distance. If you take the time to really proof and build your dogs confidence at this foundation level, it will pay off down the road.

The Straw That Broke the Camels Back

This little graphic is a very good representation of me and how it feels to have my battery drained.  I love teaching seminars, going to trials, seeing my friends, laughing, and having a great time. But I pay the price for that with needing alone time. Time to recharge and give my mental space aContinue reading “The Straw That Broke the Camels Back”